How To Have a Productive Morning During Quarantine

How To Have a Productive Morning During Quarantine, pattys kloset, qhat to do during quarantine, morning things to do, cozy hoodies, lookbook store

How To Have a Productive Morning During Quarantine, pattys kloset, qhat to do during quarantine, morning things to do, cozy hoodies, lookbook store

I hope you all are safe and healthy and practicing social distancing by staying home during this pandemic. I definitely know a lot of us are probably losing our minds being locked up home and it's very hard to become or stay productive at home. I've honestly have lost count of what day of quarantine this is for me and my family as I'm sure many of you have too. It's almost as if all the days are starting to just blend in together. 

Today I wanted to share a few tips on how to have a productive morning during quarantine. I feel like having a productive morning just sets the tone for the entire day and these few tricks have helped me have a productive day during these tough times. I do want to disclose that not everyday I feel super energetic and super productive, this pandemic has effected us all in one way or another and I think it's totally ok to allow yourself to feel and go through the motions of how you are feeling day by day. I don't wake up everyday with this urge to be productive. Some days I allow myself to cut work short, stay in bed longer, not get dressed up, etc and that's totally ok! For the most part when I wake up with energy and happy during this pandemic I apply these morning things and it sets me up for a good productive day at home.

How To Have a Productive Morning During Quarantine, pattys kloset, qhat to do during quarantine, morning things to do, cozy hoodies, lookbook store

How To Have a Productive Morning During Quarantine, pattys kloset, qhat to do during quarantine, morning things to do, cozy hoodies, lookbook store

How To Have a Productive Morning During Quarantine

-Make your bed
I know it sometimes doesn't make sense to make your bed if you're going to be home all day and just go right back into it later on at night but making your bed will make you fell like you've accomplished your first task of the day and you are off to a good start. It will give you a small sense of pride and will encourage you to do other tasks. I've also read that making your bed can also reinforce the fact that "little things matter". During this time I think every little thing matters. Making your bed in the morning is such an important task to set your day up for a productive one.

-Get dressed
Get out of those PJs! Get up shower, brush your teeth, and get dressed. I know at this moment we are not leaving our house but lounging in Pjs all day will definitely put your mind in rest mode all day and you will feel unproductive. The mind is a powerful thing so getting dressed is like telling your mind is not time to rest or feel lazy. I created a video on Loungewear Sets To Work From Home and these are great comfortable options that make you look dressed with minimal effort. If you're not a fan of loungewear sets you can wear something that's comfortable to you like tights and a sweater. Whatever is comfortable for you but as long as you are out of your sleepwear. Lately I've had this grey snuggle fleece oversized hooded cardigan from Lookbook Store on repeat. It's so soft it honestly feels like I'm wearing a bathrobe. Ha! Pieces like this is exactly what I need to be home during this time. I will link it below, it comes in so many colors and also available to shop on Amazon as well.

-Get your body moving 
Get your body moving to circulate the blood in your body with something simple as yoga, stretches, or even walking your dog. Exercising and getting your body moving in the morning  can improve your mood and increase productivity levels throughout the rest of the day. There's so many great accounts to follow on social media or Youtube for any type of exercises or stretches. 

-Eat Breakfast
Whether you are a breakfast person or not the first meal of the day is one of the keys to setting yourself up for a productive morning. Jump start your system with a protein-rich breakfast. It can even be as simple as a smoothie or yogurt but definitely don't skip breakfast. 

How To Have a Productive Morning During Quarantine, pattys kloset, qhat to do during quarantine, morning things to do, cozy hoodies, lookbook store

Sweater: Lookbook store (here

more colors: here

Thanks for reading!
Stay safe and healthy.